Monday, 16 July 2012

Nod towards the Mod

The British Summer has well and truly been a write off....rain rain and guess what more rain. It is incredibly depressing not to wear my summers best but fear not AW12 will be along soon enough. I don't know where to start...gothic princess lashings of leather and a piercing stare. Luxurious outlandish opulence a Russian princess from the 17th century. GI Jane...., I am positively combusting with excitement. 

But there is one trend that outstrips them all and that has to be the nod towards the mod. The sixties is back, better, bolder and more show stopping than ever. Joan Holloway eat your heart out...but I tell you what you want the look on the cheap look no further than our British high street favourite M&S....lush lush lush.

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