Friday, 1 July 2011

Natacha Marro

Oh my god this women is a fucking genius! I'm off to buy my velvet suit and white tights rock on a/w!

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Platform of seizure and 3/4's

I have now been awake for 4 days.

I probably had another seizure this morning, a period of 4 and half hours drifted by and I was none the wiser, confused and scared. My memory like a haze of amnesia. My body walks at two steps ahead of my actual pace and my heart palpitates so rapidly I try not to fall asleep in case it stops. 

When will the nightmare end?

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

No such thing as too busy!

Stripes, Spots and Sequins

I've joined the fashion army

I love a jumpsuit

I love a jumpsuit

I am not always so outrageous or masculine in my fashion tastes, give me a flower pin and rosebud salve on a summers day and a glass of gin and i'll be happy.  

Just popping out for a smoke

Just popping out for a smoke

I heard that Androgyny is going to be huge later on in the year. I must start buying crisp classics, make myself a martini and of course buy the most lust worthy shoes of all time...those lipstick heels are driving me crazy! Although not sure I'd dare go out in them they are just too beautiful! x