Thursday, 30 June 2011

Platform of seizure and 3/4's

I have now been awake for 4 days.

I probably had another seizure this morning, a period of 4 and half hours drifted by and I was none the wiser, confused and scared. My memory like a haze of amnesia. My body walks at two steps ahead of my actual pace and my heart palpitates so rapidly I try not to fall asleep in case it stops. 

When will the nightmare end?

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

No such thing as too busy!

Stripes, Spots and Sequins

I've joined the fashion army

I love a jumpsuit

I love a jumpsuit

I am not always so outrageous or masculine in my fashion tastes, give me a flower pin and rosebud salve on a summers day and a glass of gin and i'll be happy.  

Just popping out for a smoke

Just popping out for a smoke

I heard that Androgyny is going to be huge later on in the year. I must start buying crisp classics, make myself a martini and of course buy the most lust worthy shoes of all time...those lipstick heels are driving me crazy! Although not sure I'd dare go out in them they are just too beautiful! x

Taylor and Burton

On the beach in Turkey enjoying the sun...albeit I fell asleep with a bottle of Efes and looked like a lobster.  I am wearing my Dolce and Gabbana floral dress...which I bought in a Cheshire charity shop for a few quid! Those rich kids have no idea what they are giving away. x

Cheap Sunglasses

Cue the ZZtop rift, the car top down, wind in my hair and these babies!

Monday, 27 June 2011

제가 패션 중독자 오전

I am going crazy over Korean fashion magazines. Inspiration central.....I want those silver Louboutins!

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Tumble Dryer Head

Nothing more to say, time for a bacon sandwich and a mug of Earl Grey. I am hoping the many pints of Old Speckled Hen I consumed last night don't decide to concentrate their fatty deposits around my thighs.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Sautéed Leeks

I am at a surprise party in a small Staffordshire town this evening, cue the inevitable incest inbreds at the bar. I guess I'll fit in very nicely. I'm gonna fuck the place up a bit.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Eat my hair

Yes I know!  But fuck everything I am cool and that's all anyone needs to know.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Soaked in Bleach

Yeah I wish then set alight!

Today has been a dark day; I just wanna be happy again. Breathe and reboot...its ok I'll spend all day tomorrow in the charity shops... that always makes me feel better, perhaps I'll sit outside with a pitcher of Pimms and a bowl full of strawberries.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Push the button

I love my boyfriend...but my god he sometimes is like the dirt underneath my fingernails. Fucking men!

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Scandinavia Calling

Must head off to Copenhagen for some thrift store shopping it looks intense. Time to start reading some Hans Christian Andersen....I'm getting into the Viking spirit. Just made a curry and am feeling too bloated for words, time for another glass of wine and wait for the inevitable falling asleep on the sofa.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Fight Club

I wish I was as talented as Chuck Palahniuk! Currently watching Fight Club (what a fucking movie!) for inspiration. Today Marla Singer will be my style icon.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Fuck off!

Gees....I am far more revolutionary, exciting and employable (well ok questionable) than most people. Guess it literally is beg steal or borrow.

God damm it!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Elegantly Wasted

Too much wine and beer in my local Cheshire town...turns one into a bruised bunny! And so three bottles of wine and talk of staying in hotels in some distant town in Nepal turn into falling over in my glitter Moschino heels! My flat has now turned into a T-Rex tribute bands make up room. Which is kinda cool! x

These boots are made for walking